We have never seen a place or house that does not have any wood furniture on it. Either it is your home or office, the coffee shop at the corner of your street, or big classy restaurants. Wood furniture gives your place a cozy and stylish environment. It can be wooden tables or tabletops, wooden sides of the sofas, or shelves made of wood. You can see the wood around you when you take a look.

I am sure you use to clean your wood furniture with a clean cloth to remove that dust layer that comes on top of it but, have you ever thought of disinfecting wood properly to limit microorganism transmission and stay safe? Did you ever think that how many bacteria and viruses are growing over this neat-looking wood?

Let’s continue reading the details, and you will get an idea of how to disinfect wood furniture properly.

Table of Contents

Why do we Need to Disinfect Wood Furniture?

Before, the concept of disinfecting and sanitizing was not very commonly applied. A simple wipe away with a dry or damped cloth is used to consider enough. But now, as we all know, after COVID-19, we started to mold our lives according to it. It is believed that this novel coronavirus can stay on wooden furniture for four days. Here is where we started to think of disinfecting and sanitizing wooden furniture.

To confirm the safety of people around you, disinfecting surfaces is becoming a significant trend. So now, if you have wooden furniture at your place, you should better sanitize it daily.

How does Disinfecting Wood help us?

We know that microorganisms can grow on different surfaces; they can then be transmitted to our bodies by our hands when we touch the contaminated surface. It is better to wash our hands, but it is also better to sanitize the surface to limit the spread of diseases.

Disinfecting wood surfaces will help us limit the spread of infections.

Ways to Disinfect Wood Items:

There are different techniques that you can use to disinfect the wood around you.

  1. Disinfecting Spray – you can buy a spray from the market or make it at home.
  2. Bleach Solution – normal bleach that is used in our household with proper dilution can be used.
  3. Alcohol Solution –70 percent of an alcohol solution can be used to disinfect and sanitize surfaces.
disinfecting wood furniture
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How to Disinfect Wood Furniture?

Disinfecting wood furniture is easy, and everyone should do it to promote hygiene and health. It can be divided into the following steps:

1. Wear Mask and Gloves:

Before starting your disinfecting procedure, you should always wear masks and gloves for your self-protection. They will protect you from any unwanted contact with microorganisms.

2. Clean The Surface:

To sanitize, first clean all the possible and visible dirt present on the wood.
Use your cloth to wipe away all the dust or particles. If you find any sticky spots or tough stains, clean them with water damped cloth or sponge.

3. Make the disinfectant:

If you are not using any harsh chemically synthesized disinfectant, you can always make one at your place. There are two options of making a disinfectant for your wood surfaces:

a. Add 60% to 90% rubbing alcohol/ isopropyl alcohol to water in the ration of 2 ratios
b. Take one liter of water and add 7 grams of bleaching powder to it.

Both of these options make perfect disinfectant.

4. Spray the Surface:

Now you have the disinfectant in your hand, pour it into a spray bottle. Then spray the surface with a 6 to 8 inches gap. Press two to three times to leave a nice mist surface on the wood. Leave it as it is to dry on its own.

5. Wipe off the surface:

Wear some proper gloves, then take a cloth, and soak it in the disinfection solution. Twist and turn the cloth to remove the excess and then wipe the surface you want to sanitize.

6. Dispose of gloves and mask:

After wiping off the surface, discard the mask and gloves you used during the procedure and wash your hands properly.

These are some quick and helpful steps to disinfect your wooden surfaces.


Which Places can be Sanitized with the Disinfectant?

You can disinfect your wooden tables, cabinets, shelves, wooden arms of the sofa sets, dining tables, and chairs. You can also use it to sanitize doorknobs, keys, light switches, phones, or tabletops.

What is Lysol, and is it Bad for Wood?

Lysol is also a cleaning agent that is used for disinfecting microbes. Many people say that it is not suitable for wood surfaces as for Lysol, it is advisable to spray and leave the surface wet. It might leave a spot or a stain on the wood surface. So you can say that Lysol is bad for wood.

How to Get Lysol Stain off of Wood Furniture?

If your wood has Lysol stains, you can follow a remedy for it.

  • Take your hairdryer and set it on medium.
  • Warm up the area with stain.
  • Now damp cloth with denatured alcohol and wipe off the surface quickly.
  • Take some olive oil drops and rub it on the spots.
  • Wait for 24 hours to see the result.

Tips and Precautions:

  • Always wear disposable gloves to avoid any contact with the contaminated surface.
  • Dispose of the gloves after use as soon as you are done with your work.
  • Use face masks while cleaning and disinfecting.
  • Clean the surface before using a disinfectant.
  • Wear eye protection to stay safe from any splash.
  • Make sure that the area is well ventilated as the fresh air and sunlight kill most of the germs.
  • Make the solution as recommended.
  • Do not mix household bleach with ammonia. It will be hazardous due to the fumes produced.
  • Wash your hands immediately after your work with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

How often should wood furniture be disinfected?

The frequency of disinfecting wood furniture depends on how frequently it is used and the level of exposure to germs and bacteria. In general, it is recommended to disinfect wood furniture at least once a week, or more frequently if it is heavily used.

Can essential oils be used to disinfect wood furniture?

Essential oils can be used to add a pleasant scent to wood furniture, but they are not effective disinfectants. It is best to use a solution of water and vinegar, rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, or a commercial wood cleaner to disinfect wood furniture.


With the advancement of time, disinfecting your surrounding area has become a basic necessity. We have told you all the possible ways that how to disinfect wood furniture and sanitize your wooden areas. You can also make the disinfectant at home and use it on your furniture. I hope you are clear on everything regarding disinfecting wood furniture now.

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