Keeping your home free from pests is the one way to make sure of hygiene and avoid getting to see them at every corner of the house. Just imagine you open your cupboard and drawers, and the first thing you saw is a lizard in the corner. You will be frightened, and it will not make you happy. Most of the lizards are harmless, but their presence is not something people would like. The Gila lizard, the Mexican Beaded lizard, and the Komodo Dragon are the only lizards that are dangerous. But the normal household lizards are quite scary and will make you feel unpleasant and squirmy. Getting some reliable, simple methods to get rid of the lizards is something you want.

How to Keep Lizards Away from Home – 10 Ways

Here are some reliable and tested methods to make sure you get rid of the lizards in your home.

1. Mosquito Repellent Lotion

Have a look around your home and localities. You may have a can or two of mosquito repellent lotion, or if you don’t, then purchase it. Just spray or apply the liquid over the places where it often passes from. Or if you already know where they have been hiding, just spray it over that place.

Will it kill the lizards, or will it make them run away? Partly, yes, because they don’t like the smell or scent of the chemicals. Another reason is that lizards feed on mosquitos, so the fewer mosquitos, the fewer number of lizards n your home.

2. Clean the Kitchen Cabinets

This is the favorite place for the lizards to hang out and lay their eggs. They like this place because it’s damp and usually hot. If there is a leakage in pipes, it provides them with a water source, which is the same as a cherry topping off the cake for them.

You should clean the cabinets under the sinks regularly and try to keep them as much dry as possible. Use newspaper to cover the base and change them in a week. Also, it will prevent the wood from rotting and help the cabinets to last longer.

3. Lower the Room Temperature

Remember your biology class in school where they taught you mammals couldn’t regulate their body temperature? The same is the case with lizards. Lizards can survive everywhere except Antarctica because it is cold there and they are not generally found in cold places.

But unfortunately, using a fan or opening a window to make a better airflow won’t be enough. To make them feel cold, you have to turn on the air-conditioner and keep the room chilly, around 22 degrees Celsius. This will increase your electricity bill a lot, but if you are supposed to do it, just do it for the night when you turn your AC on.

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4. Eggshells

Just remember, the next time you have eggs, don’t throw eggshells. Instead, wipe these eggshells with a dry tissue and then leave them open and close to the place where they come frequently. Lizards don’t like the smell of eggshells. They will clear the area where there are eggshells.

Don’t forget to throw the eggshells the next day, because it will be extremely dangerous for hygiene reasons. Bacteria are way more dangerous than lizards.

5. Garlic

Lizards hate the smell that garlic enzymes emit. So, cut a clove of garlic at the place where you don’t want the lizards. The smell of garlic will make them leave the place. You can set up a small fan near the area to blow the smell across the room.

But note that leaving a clove will not work for you. You have to cut it into pieces so that scent comes out.

6. Remove Fruits and Potted Plants

Yes, you already know about lizards-eating mosquitoes. What will make you surprised and unhappy is that they also eat fruits and your plotted plants. It means that if you have a bowl of fruits at night, you will expect to have some chirping, which comes during nighttime. But there is no proven fact that it will be harmful to eat a fruit from which a lizard has taken a small bite from it. Also, for plotted plants, you might know why there are little holes and rips in those leaves. In these cases, it is better to have fewer of these potted plants in the open, which will draw attention to lizards.

7. Naphthalene Balls

Naphthalene balls will surely drive away from the lizards, as well as many other kinds of bugs. But you should be vigilant in using them because if you have young children or pets, you don’t want them to either play with these balls of naphthalene or, even worse, they should not eat them. It can cause nausea and vomiting, even if a child puts a finger inside his/her mouth after touching it.

8. Lemongrass essential Oils or Tea Bags

Lemongrass is a spa essential, which can make it into a soothing drink, and very importantly, it is natural insect repellent. Cool and fresh lemongrass or essentials is really more effective in repelling lizards, but cheaper and accessible alternatives will be essential for lemongrass tea leaves.

What should you do is simply put these leaves in a small bowl around your home and replace them every now and then. The smell of these leaves will make your house smell like a spa at the same time and will make lizards go away.

9. Spicy ingredients such as Tabasco Sauce and Chili Peppers

Lizards are extremely afraid of spicy scents and will run away when they encounter these types of lethal doses of chili pepper and tabasco sauce. You can also mix Tabasco sauce and pepper to blend into a potent spiciness and spray it in corners and crannies where lizards would love to chill.

10. Coldwater

Lizards like warm places and are primarily found in such areas. A solution to take rid of lizards is to spray some cold water on the lizard, which will hinder lizard’s movement when you can catch them and dispose of them easily.

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs

Q. Do peacock feathers really keep lizards away?

Yes, peacock feathers can deter lizards as they fear peacocks. Placing peacock feathers near entry points can keep lizards away.

Q. What should I do to keep my house clean and insect-free?

To keep your house clean and free of insects, keep your kitchen and dining area clean, remove food waste and scraps, and use insect repellents or traps.

Q. Can I use chemical lizard repellent?

The natural ingredients in commercial lizard repellents like peppermint oil, lemongrass oil, and cinnamon oil are safe to use. Spray these around your home’s entry points to keep lizards away. However, be careful not to use harmful chemicals that can harm you or your family.

How often do I need to reapply natural lizard repellents?

You will have to reapply the repellent based on how severe the lizard infestation is and the specific repellent you’re using. In general, natural repellents may need to be reapplied every few days or once a week.

Bottom Line

There are different ways on how to keep lizards away from home but home remedies can help you protect your home and your health. Various natural ways to repel lizards out of the house, include using eggshells, garlic, coffee powder, peacock feathers, and lizard repellents containing natural ingredients. Additionally, seal gaps and cracks around your home to prevent lizards from getting in. In spite of the fact that some lizards are beneficial, there are some that can be bothersome, so if you want to keep them away, these tips will help you. Keep yourself, your family, and the environment safe by avoiding harmful chemicals and methods.

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