Ground moles, those tiny underground dwellers, may seem harmless at first glance, but they can cause havoc in your yard. This article will explain what ground moles are, their habits, and why you should be concerned about them.

What Are Ground Moles?

Ground moles, scientifically known as Talpidae, are small, burrowing mammals that are characterized by being:

  • Typically 5 to 8 inches long.
  • Velvety fur and tiny eyes.
  • Strong front limbs with sharp claws for digging.
  • Not to be confused with voles or gophers.

Habits and Behavior

They live beneath the ground, rarely coming to the surface, and can create intricate tunnel systems just below the soil’s surface. They feed on insects, worms, and grubs found in the soil and rarely eat plants but may damage them indirectly by their instinct tunneling behavior. Moles are usually solitary animals that mate in late winter or early spring to give birth to small litters of 3 to 5 pups.

Why Ground Moles are a Concern?

Yard Damage

  • Their tunneling can leave unsightly ridges and mounds on your lawn.
  • Root damage caused by tunneling can harm plants, causing them to wither.

Gardening Woes

  • Moles can disrupt garden beds and root systems.
  • Soil disturbance affects the growth of grass, flowers, and vegetables.

Pest Attraction

  • Moles attract other pests like voles and mice, further damaging your yard and garden.

Ground moles can be a pesky problem for homeowners, causing damage to your lawn and garden. If you’re looking for natural and effective ways to rid your yard of these unwelcome guests, you’re in the right place. This article will explore two popular methods: Dawn dish soap and vinegar. These methods are safe, environmentally friendly, and easy to implement. Let’s dive into how you can reclaim your mole-infested yard with these simple solutions.

How to Get Rid of Ground Moles with Dawn Soap

Getting Rid of Ground Moles with Dawn Soap is one of the safest approaches. It has many advantages over most of the other harmful methods, but keep in mind:

• Effectiveness: The Dawn soap solution is very effective because it affects the mole’s ability to smell and touch, making the soil less appealing to them.

• Application Frequency: It’s essential to regularly apply the Dawn soap solution, especially after rain or irrigation, to maintain its efficacy.

• Safe for the Environment: Unlike all other chemical pesticide alternatives, Dawn soap is safe for the environment, your pets, as well as your family.

• Non-Toxic Approach: Dawn soap application is non-toxic and humane, as it doesn’t harm the moles but only encourages them to leave your yard.

Dawn dish soap can be a powerful ally in your battle against ground moles. Please follow these steps to get the most out of it:

1. Ingredients Needed

o Dawn dish soap
o Water
o A Spray bottle

2. Mix Your Solution

o Fill a spray bottle with water.
o Add a generous amount of Dawn dish soap to the water. A few tablespoons on a 500 ml spray bottle should suffice.

3. Apply your prepared Solution

o Locate the mole tunnels or mounds in your yard.
o Spray the Dawn soap solution into these tunnels and mounds.
o Repeat this process on a regular basis, especially after rain or irrigation.

4. How It Works

o The Dawn soap solution affects the mole’s sensory perception, making staying in the treated area uncomfortable for them.
o Over time, this can make the moles leave your yard to look for another, more hospitable environment.

How to Get Rid of Ground Moles with Vinegar

Getting Rid of Ground Moles with Vinegar is another easy and eco-friendly approach to consider. Keep in mind the following before starting the yard treatment with vinegar:

• Effectiveness: Vinegar is effective due to its strong and repulsive odor for moles. This odor affects their ability to navigate and hunt.

• Vinegar Types: White vinegar is commonly used, but apple cider vinegar can also work. White vinegar is often preferred for its more pungent smell.

• Repellent Properties: Vinegar is a natural repellent for various garden pests, making it a versatile solution for multi-pest treatment and yard maintenance.

• Environmental Benefits: Vinegar is an environmentally friendly option, safer than introducing harmful chemicals into your soil.

Vinegar spraying solution is very easy to prepare and use. Here’s how to use it:

1. Ingredients Needed

o White vinegar
o Water
o Spray bottle

2. Mix Your Solution

o In a 500 ml spray bottle, add equal parts of white vinegar and water.

3. Apply your Solution

o Locate the mole tunnels and mounds.
o Spray the vinegar solution directly into them.
o Reapply the solution regularly to maintain its effectiveness, especially after rain.

4. How it Works

o The strong, unpleasant odor of vinegar is highly repelling for moles, deterring them from tunneling in the treated areas.
o Compliance is the key to keeping moles away, precisely as with the Dawn soap method.

Some Additional Tips for Mole Control

In addition to the specific methods mentioned above, here are some additional tips to help you control ground moles:

• Lawn Maintenance:

Regularly mow your lawn and keep it well-watered. Moles are less likely to inhabit well-maintained areas.

• Natural Predators:

Encourage natural predators like owls, hawks, and snakes to inhabit your yard. They can help keep mole populations in check.

• Physical Barriers:

Install hardware cloth or wire mesh beneath garden beds or lawns to prevent moles from burrowing into these areas.

• Traps:

Use mole traps, such as scissors or harpoon traps, to capture and relocate moles. Be sure to follow local regulations regarding trapping and releasing wildlife.

• Solar Vibrating Stakes:

Solar-powered vibrating stakes can deter moles by emitting low-frequency vibrations that disrupt their underground activities.

• Professional Assistance:

If mole infestations persist despite your efforts, consider seeking professional pest control services for more advanced solutions.


Dealing with ground moles can be a real headache, but you can regain control of your yard with the proper methods and persistence in treatment. Whether you choose to use Dawn dish soap, vinegar, or a combination of these methods, remember to apply them consistently and monitor their effectiveness regularly; if there is no improvement, seek a professional guide from a pest infestation specialist. By following these tips and staying proactive, you’ll be well on your way to enjoying a mole-free landscape once again. Say goodbye to those unwanted underground guests and welcome back your lush, mole-free lawn and garden!

Dr. Sahar Issa
Dr. Sahar Issa is a content writer at Spadone Home. Dr. Issa has a lot of experience in environmental health, but on Spadone Home, she mostly talked about different home, home improvement, Kitchen, and bathroom topics. Dr. Issa has a lot of knowledge about health and wellness because she loves to teach and has a knack for making complicated information easy to understand. Follow her blogs to learn more about taking care of your home and get ideas from her. Dr. Issa loves to write about her ideas and give helpful tips and advice. In 2023, she became a specialist in Home and Home-related blogs at Spadone Home. She started writing about problems with your kitchens and electricity. Enjoy her helpful information to help you find the best Kitchen, furniture, cleaning, and care tips for your home and decorating ideas to build the home of your dreams.