Are you buying bulbs for your home or office but you can’t figure out which bulb is suitable for your room soft light or daylight?
Too much bright light makes a room look like we are in a school lab or somewhere in a place like this, on the other hand, less light makes a room feel small and dark.
To set the mood we should select the right bulb for the right room.
Today LED light bulbs are common and easy to use. They have a lifespan longer than other options available in the market. LED light bulbs are categorized into three colors temperatures, daylight, soft light, and soft white.
The temperature of light has a strong impact on your mind just like a low color temperature light brings out a warmer and relaxing feel, a higher color temperature light produces a cooler and more refreshing environment.
There is a scale to use for these LED light colors, it is called the “Kelvin scale”. This kelvin scale goes from 1000K up to 10,000K. On this scale the lower the number, the more yellow tones you get, and on the other hand more the number, the more bluish tones you get.
- Soft White = 2700K-3000K
- Daylight = 5500K-6500K
Softlight vs Daylight Bulb
Soft light bulb
The soft light bulb is also known as a warm white bulb has a color temperature in the range of 2700K to 3000K.
Soft lights have some yellow tones, which is a “warm color”. This light gives the feeling of warmth, smoothness, calmness, and relaxation.
These temperature lights are best for bedrooms, dining rooms, kitchens, bathrooms, closets, under cabinets, and living rooms. Most people choose soft light bulbs.
Daylight bulbs
As the name shows daylight bulbs are very bright LED lights that produce a nice relaxing effect. Daylight bulbs produce a higher color temperature in the 5000K to 6500K range.
These bulbs give light that looks shaded with blue and a touch of the natural color of daylight.

Daylight LED bulbs produce a vibrant and intense brightness that is overly harsh for home use. These kinds of lights are ideal for the home workshop, craft room, commercial, display case, offices, garages.
Daylight light bulbs give a warm glow to your interior just like the sun’s natural light.
The color intensity of Soft white vs daylight bulbs
First of all let’s talk about intensity, Intensity refers to brightness and absorbances of color. Intensity means how much brightness a color has, and how bright it looks.
Daylight bulbs produce a high color temperature in the 5000K to 6500K range whereas soft white light produces yellow and low color temperature in the range of 2700K to 3000K range.
Greater color daylight creates a natural effect, on the other hand due to low intensity yellow soft light makes light warm and relaxing.
How to choose between soft white and daylight bulbs
It is very important to understand the difference between soft white and daylight bulbs and where you need softlight and daylight for a home.
The function of the room
First of all, think about the activity you want to do in the room.
Maybe you choose one color temperature but it might be good if you mix different color temperatures in different areas of the room like you have daylight bulbs around the vanity in your bathroom but you use soft light in the shower area or as the main light.
The mood of the room
The mood of the room is very important when it comes to light. Your desired mood will describe which bulbs are best. If you want a warm, cozy, relaxed place then go for a soft white LED bulb.
If you want bright energetic light then go for a daylight LED bulb. Light has a strong impact on the mood of a room.
Size of the room
The size of the room is very important for lighting. You can decide how a great deal mild case you recognize want in your room’s rectangular photos and the foot-candle measurements.
Daylight bulbs are used in large rooms to increase the lines of the room, while soft light bulbs are used in those rooms which are small.
Paint color
A good choice of light can enhance the paint color of the room. If you want that paint color of your room to pop up then go for daylight bulbs. For example, if there are blues, greens, and some dark colors on the wall then you should install daylight bulbs. It makes the paint color brighter.
But if you want to enhance warm tones like earth tones or neutrals then go for yellow soft light bulbs.
It will increase the warmth of the room and make it more relaxing.
Watts are the power a bulb consumes. If you want to switch from incandescent bulbs to LED bulbs you should be more anxious about watts.
Incandescent bulbs use more power than modern LED bulbs, 60W incandescent emits much less mild than a 60W LED bulb. Instead, to update a 60W incandescent bulb, you would be seeking out an 8W or 12W LED bulb to get more or less the identical lumen rating.
Final Thoughts
The main difference between the soft white vs daylight bulbs is the color temperature. A soft white light bulb can produce a candle-like glow meanwhile daylight bulb is designed to copy natural sunlight.
Soft light bulbs are best to make the place warm, cozy, and enhance the room’s earth tone paint color. These bulbs are the best choice for palaces where you won’t hang out like bedrooms, or living rooms.
Daylight bulbs are the best for those areas where you want to do productive work or need to see details or in those places where you want to increase energy. These bulbs are the best choice for kitchens, offices, craft rooms, and bathrooms.
Choosing the right bulb depends on size, paint color, mood, function. The form of fixture and its placement lend themselves to extraordinary color temperature.
We recommend the mixture of soft light and daylight bulbs because it gives warmth as well as brightness to the room. We also suggest using modern LED bulbs as they consume less energy and last longer than old traditional bulbs.
If you are not sure which type of bulb you need to buy, get both types and use them in your place.
After the use of both bulbs, you will decide which bulb is better, keep it, and return the other one.