How to Propagate a Spider Plant

how to propagate a spider plant

Spider plants are popular houseplants that are easy to care for and propagate. Propagation of spider plants is an excellent way to expand your collection of plants or to share them with friends and family. With just a little care and attention, you can quickly and easily propagate spider plants, even if you don’t have much gardening experience. There are three methods to propagate a Spider plant and turn those children into new mature plants. All three methods are reviewed more in detail later in this content, let’s take a look!

How to Propagate a Spider Plant in 3 Methods

1. Proliferate in Water

When you propagate plants in water, you’re letting the roots grow initially before transferring the plantlets to the soil.

They are beginning by carefully eliminating the spider plant children from the mommy plant. Cut them from the long stems they’re hanging onto.

Next off, put the infants in a small glass vessel with a little water. You desire the water to cover the origins of the infant plant.

See it to maintain the water tidy by transforming it consistently. As soon as the plantlets establish excellent roots, you can transfer them to a small pot with well-draining dirt.

2. Plant infant spider plant directly in the soil

The most basic method to propagate a spider plant is to remove the children and plant them directly right into the dirt in their very own pots.

Doing this might take a little bit longer for the plantlet to resolve and reveal new development. But that is absolutely nothing to fret about.

Your plant is working on its origin system initially. Till you see brand-new leaf’s appearing, maintain the dirt somewhat moistly, however not too wet.

3. Root crawler plant children in the soil while still connected to the mommy plant

When you consider it, they are keeping the plantlets connected to the mother plant is most like how they grow in their all-natural habitat.

The mommy pushes out the long stems and expands her infants throughout her. The children suspend and be available in contact with the dirt. So they root right there beside the mother.

To simulate this:

  1. Could you not cut them loose?
  2. Just place the child crawler in a small pot loaded with damp soil next to the mom plant.
  3. Don’t pot it too deeply.

Only the starter roots require touching the soil.

In this manner, the plantlet gets toughness from its dirt and also, at the same time, is still being cared for with the stem by the mother.

Wait till the baby begins to show new development, then sufficed far from the parent.

Suggestions for Growing Brand New Crawler Plants

  • Utilize a cloche to house your new plant as its roots grow… it acts like a miniature greenhouse, using moisture and protection for the little siderites.
  • It would be best if you began to see extraordinary origins in 7-10 days.
  • Maintain the dirt damp but not damp.

How To Circulate Crawler Plants!

This particular planting that I created is, in fact, two spider infants, and also, they have to do with one week old and have doubled in dimension currently! I’ll come back below in a few months and upgrade this post again with a new image of my growing spider plant, so you can see exactly how it’s grown in time!


During first development, water is sometimes; as soon as wholly created (within one year).
In the spring and also summer seasons, keep the soil moist to encourage growth. Do not allow dirt to dry out way too much.

Preserve average room temperature as well as moisture. Crawler plants choose temperature levels between 55 and 80 ° F (13– 27 ° C), making them great indoor houseplants.
Fertilize as much as twice a month in the springtime and summer. Nevertheless, avoid overfertilization.

How to Grow Spider Plant Babies?

Spider plant propagation entails planting the spiderette in a pot full of any lightweight potting mix. Make sure the pool has drain openings in the bottom. You can leave the infant connected to the mom and dad plant till the new plant takes root. After that, divide it from the moms and dads by trimming the jogger.

How to Propagate a Spider Plant babies?

Recommend waiting till the infants have begun growing starter root developments of their own before taking spider plant cuttings. If the spider plant children have no roots, or you only see little nubs, then it’s ideal to wait up until they’re a bit older.

How to Replant Spider Plant Babies?

Spider plant propagation entails planting the spiderette in a pot filled with any lightweight potting mix. Make sure the bank has drain openings at an all-time low. You can leave the baby affixed to the mom and dad plant until the new plant takes root; after that, separate it from the mom and dad by trimming the jogger.

How to Grow Spider Plants in Water?

Any houseplants can quickly grow in water for some time, such as Pothos and crawler plants; taking cuttings or offsets is a simple means to increase a preferred plant. These cuttings root swiftly in merely a glass of water. Once rooting is established, the new plant needs nutrients for future advancement.

How to Cut Spider Plant Babies?

Pruning spider plants maintains them at a more desirable and convenient size and rejuvenates their total wellness and vigor. Furthermore, the more infants it creates, the more the plant needs fertilizer and water as this consumes a lot of its energy. Consequently, the spiderettes need to be eliminated too.

Bottom Line

If you desire a thick, bushy plant, begin numerous crawler plant infants in the same pot; likewise, if your grown-up crawler plant isn’t as full as you would certainly like, grow many spiderettes together with the mom plant. Water the fledgling crawler infants required to maintain the soil slightly wet, but never saturated until healthy new development suggests the plant has rooted. Your new crawler plant is well on its way, and you can return to standard care.

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