Undeniably, a toilet system is one of the most commonly used fixtures in commercial and residential places. But over time, due to infallible reasons, the toilet bowl can get clogged, and it can be a potential reason behind an unusual odor and hazardous bacteria. Usually, the majority of homeowners tend to neglect cleaning the toilet on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. As a result, coming across clogged toilet-related scenarios is relatively common. Though unclogging a toilet requires less time and effort, without implementing the right equipment, it can be a strenuous process.

However, before proceeding toward the de-clogging part, it’s important to acknowledge the source of the problem. This will eventually help you to prevent blockages in the near future. In most instances, disposing of clog-prone items such as cotton balls, wet wipes, and dental floss can cause problems. Moreover, when the toilet trap gets clogged with non-flushable items, including toilet paper, sometimes it becomes difficult to unclog it.

In modern toilet systems, you can mostly find plumbing vents; over time, they can also become blocked with leaves, sticks, or animal nests. Sewer line issues are another prime reason behind a clogged toilet. Additionally, slow-paced septic systems can be the ultimate cause behind a blocked toilet system.

We know that plungers are considered to be one of the best solutions to eliminate a toilet clog. Don’t have a plunger in the house and want to know how to unclog a toilet without a plunger? Then also you can unclog the toilet bowl with ease and within a short span using these alternative methods.

Wait for a While!

Sometimes, all you just need to do is wait for some time to check whether the clogged issue is getting resolved or not. Do you know how a toilet system mainly functions? No! Then, let us make it clear that when the water flows from the cistern, it exerts pressure on the clog in the toilet drain. Over time, this excessive pressure can automatically dislodge the clog after a certain time. But, if that doesn’t work, make sure you avail of emergency plumber services for instant recovery. Avoid flushing repeatedly, and it won’t solve the problem.

A clogged toilet bowl requires immediate attention and can be unclogged in different ways. But, make sure you have the necessary items such as dish soap, baking soda, and a wire hanger to get the job done.

How to Unclog a Toilet Without a Plunger – Follow these Steps

1. Start by Adding Warm Water

Yes! Pouring a bucket of hot water into the toilet bowl can do the trick. It forces the clogged elements to go through the pipe easily. But keep in mind, the water should be slightly warm, don’t just pour boiling water into the toilet bowl; it can make the scenario worse. Toilets are considered to be one of the most clog-prone fixtures that almost every homeowner has dealt with. So, it becomes important to know the right method to unclog it when there is no plunger in the house.

2. Use the Mixture of Vinegar and Baking Soda

Do you have vinegar and baking soda? Then, consider taking the right portion of these two elements for a natural solution. You must be aware that vinegar and baking soda are considered to be the most effective cleaning products. But, it can be beneficial in eliminating the toilet clog as well. Usually, you have to take one cup of baking soda and two cups of vinegar and mix it properly.

Wait for half an hour, and then put this mixture in the half-filled toilet bowl. Within 20 minutes, the toilet bowl will get unclogged. Right after that, don’t forget to flush the toilet to see if this DIY solution works. If the problem isn’t resolved on the first attempt, we would recommend applying the same amount of vinegar and baking soda to fix the problem overnight. In certain instances, you have to initially pour a cup of baking soda first into the toilet bowl.

Make sure you have applied that solution in such a way that it has covered the entire surface of the toilet bowl. Next, apply the vinegar solution and let it dissolve properly with the remaining solution of vinegar. When the solution of both vinegar and baking soda will start to mix, the clogged object will automatically break down. It’s one of the most accessible plunger alternatives that you can think of, so try it now!

3. Go for using Dishwashing Liquids and Soaps

Well, you must know that dishwashing liquids and soaps act as an effective spot-treatment element. But, it’s also useful for unclogging a toilet bowl when there is no plunger. Sometimes, unclogging a toilet can turn out to be a time-consuming process, especially when improper equipment is used.

Simply, head to the kitchen and take a considerable amount of dishwashing liquid, or you can use dish soap as well. This sort of slippery substance can break down clogged components such as grease, dirt, or grime from the toilet within a few minutes.

But, do you know the exact amount of dish soap or dishwashing liquid that you need to put in the toilet bowl? No! Then, consider pouring half-cup of dish soap and chop the hand soap into small pieces with it, for an effective result. Usually, this declogging process might take half an hour to work properly, based on the amount of clog that has blocked the toilet bowl. You can also use shampoo instead of dish soap or dishwashing liquid to get rid of a clogged toilet bowl.

4. Wire Hangers can be the Ultimate Solution

Don’t have a plunger? There’s actually nothing to worry about when you have a wire hanger in the closet. Usually, household owners should definitely consider using a wire hanger for the blockages in the toilet bowl. Manually, moving the clogged items can help you to overcome the problem and regain the functionality of this plumbing unit easily.

Grab the wire hanger immediately and unravel it until it becomes completely straight. Right after that, forcefully push one end of the wire and put it in the clogged area to remove the buildup of debris and grime. But, don’t provide excessive pressure while clogging; you can end up damaging the toilet bowl. So, be careful while implementing this troubleshooting method!

5. Use a Toilet Brush

If you don’t have a wire hanger in the house, then consider using a toilet brush instead, for instant recovery. Take the toilet brush and use this cleaning wand just like the plunger. But, before starting this unclogging process, put on some rubber gloves to avoid getting affected by mold or other pathogens. Force the toilet brush into the toilet bowl and try to reach out to the drainage hole for unclogging. Make sure you have moved this cleaning tool back and forth repeatedly to get rid of the clogged toilet with ease. Once you are done with this clog-eliminating process, make sure you discarded the toilet brush. Don’t further use it; invest in a new one for further use.

6. Clear the Clog using Epsom Salt

Based on the toilet type, the ways to unclog it might vary sometimes. Some of the latest toilet systems get clogged more frequently than the traditional ones due to lack of maintenance. It could be unclogged easily using a plunger, but Epsom salt is more effective for more complex clogs. Moreover, a pinch of Epsom salt can do the magic when poured into the toilet bowl. A fizzy chemical reaction will take place, which will clear the clog immediately. But you have to wait at least 15 minutes for this solution to work.

Sometimes, the mixture of vinegar and soda might not work; even the dish soap solution might fail to provide satisfactory results. In certain circumstances, Epsom salt is an ideal solution for de-clogging the toilet within a limited time.

7. Apply the Bath Bomb Method

If you don’t have Epsom salt, consider using a bath bomb instead. Usually, bath bombs are used to moisturize skin, but it is an effective solution for breaking down the toilet drain’s clogged components. Bath bombs are usually fizzy and made out of a combination of Epsom salt, baking soda, and citric acid. And, when these chemicals get dissolved in the water present in the toilet bowl, it automatically removes the organic waste.

Products like bath bombs don’t come with any non-dissolvable elements such as petals, confetti, or glitter. This is the prime reason why bath bombs dislodge these clogged toilet-related problems easily and efficiently. Just mix the bath bomb with hot water and drop it in the toilet bowl and wait for a while until it starts to react. But, let us make it clear that this solution might take more than an hour to work completely. It’s one of the simple DIY hacks that you can ever come across, and it’s worth waiting for.

8. Go with the Bleach Clog Removal Method

In some circumstances, the clog might not break down even after applying these above-mentioned methods. But, there is nothing to fret over when products like bleach can easily unclog the non-flushable items within 10 minutes—thinking about how to apply this bleaching method? It’s pretty simple; take two or three cups of bleach and pour this solution into the toilet bowl. You can also consider using powder-based dishwasher detergent, as most of these have bleach and enzymes, which can help to dislodge the clogs without any hassle.

But, it’s important to include that everyone should take necessary precautions while using bleach. Because it contains harmful chemicals that can lead to skin irritation and other severe health problems. We would highly suggest leaving the window wide open for air circulation while mixing the bleach, which’s required for your safety. And, if you don’t have adequate knowledge about the chemicals that will be safe to mix with bleach, then don’t proceed further. Instead, you can try out another solution to clear the toilet bowl.

9. Take a Plastic Bottle for Creating Water Pressure

Got a toilet clog, but the plunger somehow broke while fixing the problem? Thinking of buying a new plunger? Wait! Hold that thought! You can simply de-clog the toilet bowl using simple household items like plastic bottles. It’s extremely handy and one of the used items by homeowners across the globe.

And, if you feel like the wire-hanger or bleach method is difficult to implement, then consider applying this plastic bottle trick straight away. This unclogging method might sometimes get out of the hand if not followed properly. So, here we are compiling the step-by-step procedure which needs to be maintained to make the toilet bowl clog-free:

  • Initially, you have to remove a considerable amount of water from the toilet bowl using a mug or small containers.
  • Head towards filling up a comparatively large plastic bottle with warm water.
  • Put on a pair of rubber gloves and slightly press the top of the bottle using your thumb and place the bottle near the toilet pipe.
  • Now, it’s time to remove the thumb from the top end of the bottle and squeeze the bottle to propel the water inside the pipe.

Voila! The added pressure that you provided using plastic bottles can easily dislodge the toilet bowl, no matter how severe the clog was.

Still Unable to Unclog the Toilet Bowl? Use a Drain Snake Instead

You might not have a plunger right now, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make the toilet bowl clog-free using some other bathroom accessories. Do you have a drain snake or drum auger in the house? Yes! Then consider using it. The drain snake is one of the best plunger alternatives that can help you to resolve this problem.


Can dish soap be used to unclog a toilet?

It is possible to lubricate a blockage with dish soap in order to make it easier for it to slide through. Squirt a generous amount of dish soap into the toilet bowl, add some hot water, let it sit for a while, and then try flushing again.

How does the vinegar and baking soda method work for unclogging a toilet?

To use the vinegar and baking soda method, mix 1 cup baking soda with 1 cup vinegar in the toilet bowl. The mixture creates a chemical reaction that can help break up the blockage and allow it to flush through.

Is it safe to use a wire coat hanger to unclog a toilet?

Using a wire coat hanger to unclog a toilet can be effective, but you should be careful not to scratch the porcelain with the wire. In addition, coat hangers should be thoroughly sanitized before and after use.

What should I do if none of these methods work?

If none of these methods work, it may be time to call a professional plumber. Using their equipment, they can remove the blockage and prevent the toilet and plumbing from being further damaged.

How can I prevent toilet clogs from happening in the future?

To prevent toilet clogs from happening in the future, avoid flushing anything other than toilet paper and human waste down the toilet. It is best to avoid flushing items such as paper towels, feminine hygiene products, cotton swabs, and cotton balls that can cause clogs. Also, consider using a toilet auger or snake periodically to clear out any buildup in the pipes.


We hope with the above-mentioned methods you got clear with your question that how to unclog a toilet without a plunger Moreover, these tools are specially designed to de-clog the clogged pipes. All you need to do is place the cable into the pipe to clear out the clog; that’s it. But, if even using a drain snake doesn’t help you overcome this toilet-related problem, only a professional plumber can free you from this trouble.

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