Every girl loves to pamper herself. Just imagine it’s your off day from work, and you decided to groom yourself. You took out all your stuff and started deciding what to do. Just now, a phone call arrived, and you jumped to answer it. But at that moment, you accidentally dropped your nail polish on the carpet. It has become a big disaster now. It will leave an obvious stain that seems impossible to get rid of nail polish from carpet.
If the stain was fresh, then use a paper towel to remove the stain by blotting as much as possible. If the stain is not wet, then you should try to pick off the stain by using any knife-like thing before using any kind of cleaning agent, because this will be an easier option to remove nail polish from a carpet. If you own an expensive carpet, then before applying any technique, contact the manufacturers because they can tell you better what cleaning methods you should opt for to be safe from any further damage.
Here’s everything you need to know that how to get rid of nail polish on carpet.
How to Get Out Nail Polish from Carpet
1. For a Fresh Stain
Many different methods are available to get rid of nail polish from the carpet, and it all depends upon how fresh the stain is. If it is a fresh stain, then you should gently clean it with a paper towel rather than letting it dry because, after that, it will become more difficult for you. Always try to remove the stain when it is fresh gently.
No matter how much amount of nail polish has been dropped on your carpet, just try to take it off as soon as possible. When it is a big fresh spill, take it off with a spoon and let the remaining gently blot with a paper towel.
After you have taken out the excess nail polish from the carpet, now you have to deal with the remaining spots which had already started seeping into your carpet. It can happen very fast, depending upon the type of carpet you have, so you will have to act very quickly. To remove the stain out of the carpet, you need to have a cleaning solution and a dry cloth. Regarding the type of cleaning solution you choose, it is very important to test it on a little part of your carpet to check and make sure that it’s working well. Some of the solutions can lighten your carpet, while some can bleach the whole color of the carpet/rug.
2. Using Nail Polish Removers
We will suggest a non-acetone nail polish remover and always try to test it on a smaller portion to make sure that it’s safe to use. If you can’t find any nail polish remover, then there are some other ways to clean it using rubber alcohol, hairspray, and H2O2,, i.e., hydrogen peroxide. Once you find a good cleaner that is suitable for your rug or carpet, then you should put it on some clean cloth and gently blot the stain. It would help if you continued blotting with the unused portion of cloth until all the nail polish has been removed from the carpet. Scrubbing the carpet to get rid of nail polish stains is a very stupid idea. It will make the stain even worse.
3. Removing Nail Polish Stain Using Vinegar and Baking Soda

The pantry samples like vinegar and baking soda have seemed to help in these areas. IF you are using vinegar, then you should get the required area with simple vinegar completely and then place a vinegar-soaked towel over it. Leave the stain covered with a vinegar-soaked towel for about 10 minutes. After that, gently blot and scrub until the stain is removed.
In case you are using baking soda to remove the nail polish stain from the carpet, then you should sprinkle some of the baking soda over the stain and then pour ginger ale on the top of it and let it soak for the next 10 minutes. Scrub it gently with the help of cloth until the stain is removed and then gently rinse with the help of water or may be a wet cloth. Some of the household cleaners like Goo Gone and Windex have been known for many years to clean nail polish from the carpet. But you should always test them in a smaller area to make sure they work completely well for your carpet because every rug or carpet has a different material.
4. Using Hair Spray
This method has also been proven best to remove the nail polish stain from the carpet. Before using it, wet the required stain with water. After that, spray it for the next 10 to 15 times on the stain of the nail polish. Scrub the affected area with the help of a toothbrush or a gentle cloth very gently. Apply this procedure again and again till the stain has been removed. You can also use rubbing alcohol to make the process.
5. Using a Window Cleaner
You can also get rid of a nail polish stain from a carpet with the help of a window cleaner. Blot the excess nail polish as much as possible. Apply a small quantity of window cleaner using a sponge or dishcloth and gently scrub in a regular circular motion. After scrubbing, rinse it with water and let it dry completely. The stain should completely disappear.
6. Removing Stain with the Help of a Warm Soapy Water
With the help of warm soapy water, the nail polish stain can go away. You should use a clean bowl of warm water and add a small amount of either dishwashing liquid or laundry detergent. After that, take a clean sponge or cloth, and start gently scrubbing the affected area. Continue this process until all the stain is gone, and there are no more stains of nail polish on your carpet.
If All the Above Method Fails
With the above methods you can get to know how to get out nail polish from carpet. In case the stain is very strong and has been seeped down into the carpet, and all the methods described above are not working out, then you should call the carpet professionals. It would help if you gave it to a laundry expert or carpet professional because they will remove the stain for you.