Hair dye is common these days, but it’s quite messy when you have no experience to apply. Even if you tried your level best to stay away from pesky stains, they appear on the bathtub.
In this piece of content, we will discuss the causes of these stains on the bathtub and what suitable ways we can use to remove these stains.

Also, here we will have a discussion on a few tips that helps to prevent these messy stains.
Let’s dive in and find the solution.

Understanding The Cause of Hair Dye Stains is important before the removal

Now the important question is what are the causes of hair dye stains in the bathtub?

  • First, keep in mind hair dye is used to cover light-colored hairs, so hair dye is available in dark colors.
  • You don’t wash your hair properly after applying hair dye. The leftover color can spoil your new bathtub.

Removal of hair dye from the bathtub is not a difficult task normally. A smooth surface is easy, but the bathtub and sink surfaces are challenging.

The Different Types of Tubs

The procedure of removing hair dye depends on the material of the bathtubs. Different bathtubs are available to install. Let’s discuss some common materials of bathtubs here.


This material is also known as fiberglass-reinforced plastic. These days’ household things mostly come in this material due to its lower cost. If we discuss bathtubs, different layers of fiberglass are used to make proper shape and design. An additional layer of resin is coated to protect the surface. The most amazing features of fiberglass tubs are given below:

  • Reasonable cost
  • Low in weight
  • Durable
  • Repairable

A porcelain tub

This is also known as an enamel bathtub. These tubs are not difficult to clean, but they are heavy in weight. Normally the upper layer of the surface is resistant to different cleaning agents and chemicals. Some important features are there:

  • Inexpensive
  • Long lasting option
  • Retain glossy surface for a long time
  • Easy to get stains out of it

Acrylic tub

This material is different. It normally uses fiberglass sheets to create support under sheets of colored acrylic. These are basically identical to fiberglass, and the major distinction is that they are costly as compared to other options. There are numerous shapes, styles, colors, and dimensions, but over time, it looks decolorized and scratchy.

  • Available in different sizes, shapes, and colors
  • Have almost the same properties of fiberglass
  • Easy to install

Cast iron tubs

These bathtubs are the most enduring. They are manufactured with molten iron, and the layer of enamel is coated. Keep in mind these types of tubs are heavy and need extra effort to install.

  • Retain heat
  • Sturdy material
  • Glossy look

How to Get Hair Dye Out of Tub

Above mentioned all bathtub materials require the same effort. If you installed a fiberglass tub, just fill the tub with hot water and put 5 to 6 denture cleaning tablets overnight. After 12 hours, wipe out the water from the tub and get a clean surface. This simple remedy for how to get hair dye stains out of the bathtub is best if the stain is not stubborn.

Now come to the point of how to remove sticky dye stains from the bathtub. There are different ways you can give them a try. Choose according to the stains on the tub.

  • The first method is very easy. You can use all things from your kitchen. Take baking soda and vinegar in equal parts and mix them well. Apply on the stain for enough time and leave. After that, take a damp cloth to scrub the stain.
  • The second way is the mixture of water and borax is also beneficial for the removal of the stain.

Sometimes stains are stubborn. Don’t feel disappointed. You can try a few different effective methods to get rid of these stains.

Other ways to remove stains… How to get hair dye out of bathtub?

Bathtubs are commonly constructed of porcelain or fiberglass. Therefore, you have different options for removing hair dye.

  • Take an equal quantity of bleach and water to sponge the stain. Leave it for 5 to 10 minutes and wash.
  • Acetone is also a suitable agent for cleaning. Smoothly wipe the surface and get a clean, fresh area.
  • Powdered cleaners like a mixture of Comet with Bleach, work best on dye tints in a bathtub.

It is a very difficult question with some simple solutions. If the dye fell on your bathtub, it will ruin the outer appearance of your washroom. For that, you have to use some effective products to clean them. With the help of some simple steps, you can clean your bathtub stains.

Products you can Use to Clean your Bathtub Stains

1. Hair spray

Hairspray is not used only in hair styling. You can use it in the cleaning of hair dye stains from your bathtubs because hairspray contains alcohol that can clean all types of stains from your bathtub.

Spray a generous amount of hairspray on a cloth, and some spray on your tub then rub it. The dye stain will remove quickly. The only con of alcohol is it may try your hand while cleaning the tub.

2. Nail polish remover

Another method to clean your bathtub is to use a good quality nail polish remover to get off the stain of hair dye from your bathtub.

Nail polish remover contains acetone, which is a great option for cleaning the stain from your bathtub. Just apply some nail polish remover on a cotton ball and wipe it up on the stained area.

If your bathtub has paint on it or some kind of finishing done to it, nail polish remover will also remove it because it contains acetone, which is bad for paint.

3. Rubbing alcohol

Rubbing alcohol is another good option for cleaning the dye stains from your bathtub. Apply some rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball or any cloth and rub it on the stained area.

One thing to remember while using rubbing alcohol it is not suitable for polished surfaces because it can clean all shining and paint from your bathtub.

4. Vinegar and Baking Soda

If you want to try this method to get off the dye stain from the bathtub, you only do some simple steps. First, you must mix vinegar and baking soda in a bowl and paste it.

Remember the portion of baking soda and vinegar do not add too large an amount of vinegar so it becomes liquid. After that, apply it to the dye stain on your bathtub.

Meanwhile, rub it with a sponge or toothbrush and scrub it until all the stains are removed from the tub. If the stain does not remove, repeat it.

5. Baking Soda and Water Mixture

To remove the stain permanently, you should need to make a thick paste of water and baking soda. Then apply a good amount of dye stain on your bathtub and rub it with a sponge until the stain is completely removed.

6. Bathroom Cleaner

Bathroom cleaners can be a good option to get rid of dye stains from your bathtub. These cleaners contain bleach, which is great for cleaning stains. Apply bathroom cleaner on the stained area, leave it for some time, and then rub it with a sponge.

7. Bleach

Bleach is a good stain cleaner. Add an equal amount of water, bleach in a bowl, apply it on the stained area, and leave it for 10 minutes. When you wipe the bleach mixture, the dye stain will also be removed with them.

8. Dish Soap

If the stain of your hair dye does not remove anything, try dish soap. Apply dish soap on the stained area and rub it with a sponge. It will help in removing the dye stain from the bathtub.

When stains of your dye leave on the bathtub and you are trying to remove them, just remember that don’t use harsh chemicals on the surface of your bathtub because that might damage the surface of the stained area.

Another important point to remember while cleaning your bathtub, avoid using steel as it can damage the entire bathtub and the look of your washroom.

To protect your bathtub and sinks from stains you can also use petroleum jelly on the surface because that will act like a protective layer on your bathtub and keep it safe from staining.

Final Conclusion on How to Remove Hair Dye Stains from Bathtub

In conclusion, stains are unavoidable, but having these stains for a lifetime is compulsory. If you want to maintain the look of your house, you need to have knowledge about how to get hair dye off the bathtub. With the above-mentioned methods and products, you can remove hair dye stains out of bathtub. If you think you are not able to do that, call any professional expert to remove the stains from your bathroom and another major area.

Humza Ahmad Barlas
Humza Ahmad Barlas is a dynamic freelance writer and a passionate expert in home improvement, contributing valuable content to for over a year. Specializing in home decoration, cleaning tips, and renovation strategies, his articles offer practical and appealing solutions for homeowners looking to enhance their living spaces. With a strong foundation in digital media, Humza excels in creating engaging narratives and insightful content. His expertise in content strategy and digital marketing shines through in every piece, making him a trusted and authoritative voice for readers seeking reliable home improvement advice.