Have you been staying in, yet every few seconds you find yourself sneezing and sniffling? Perhaps you notice that your nose is running and that your eyes are wet or itching.

So, if you’ve checked all the typical suspects for these symptoms but none of them have proven to be at fault. If you are wondering what could be the cause? Don’t worry if you feel out of your depth trying to solve this major home issue. We’ll assist you in determining whether or not your house has a mold issue.

If it turns out that you are unknowingly hosting a housemate, we’ll show you how to properly remove them from your home and from your body.

Yes, we are talking about mold spores. Mold spores could give you all these symptoms that we talked about and you might not even know it. So we are here to discuss what causes mold spores and how to remove them from the air.

What leads to airborne Mold Spores?

In our environment, mold naturally exists, but it only flourishes and grows in wet areas. Your home’s abundance of airborne mold spores is undoubtedly caused by a moisture problem, such as:

  • Internal plumbing or roof leaks
  • Ineffectual outdoor drainage
  • Poor ventilation inside
  • Elevated indoor humidity
  • Incorrect ventilation
  • The HVAC system not working properly

How to remove mold spores from your home

Mold spores are a natural and vital part of our environment, thus it is impossible to totally eradicate them from your home. However, they don’t become a health hazard until they start to disseminate extensively and develop into mold. As a result, if you have a mold spore problem, you probably also have a moisture problem, which makes the environment ideal for the growth of deadly amounts of mold. So, in addition to addressing the immediate problem, you must also remove this danger from your home.

Most of the extra mold spores should be removed by:

  • Get a dehumidifier: It’s likely that your house has a lot of natural humidity even with adequate ventilation. Using a dehumidifier to manage this problem is an excellent idea. This will assist in maintaining a set proportion for your humidity levels.
  • Inspect and clean your air ducts: Poor duct size or accumulation from a lack of cleaning might result in moisture buildup and obstruction. To avoid inviting mold, get your ducts examined and plan routine duct cleaning.
  • Inspect plumbing and your exterior for leaks: If left ignored, plumbing leaks can cause significant damage to your property and the growth of mold in less visible or even concealed regions. Maintaining the exterior of your home is also essential to prevent leaks or incorrect drainage that might eventually allow mold to develop outside and seek out additional sources of moisture.
  • Install an Air Purifier: One of the best methods to first bring the issue under control is to utilize an air purifier to eliminate mold spores from the air since they function by catching and eliminating dangerous pollutants from your house. Nevertheless, you shouldn’t rely on this to completely eradicate spores as, depending on the severity of the spore number, they may still be present in filters.
  • Ventilate your home: By sometimes letting in some fresh air and ensuring that humid rooms like the kitchen, bathroom, basement, and attic have adequate fan ventilation, you can keep your home aired.
  • Replace HVAC filters with higher efficiency ones (HEPA): HEPA filters, which are intended to catch far smaller contaminants like mold spores than ordinary HVAC filters, can be a much safer alternative for people who have respiratory problems. However, your system should be tested for compatibility because they more severely limit airflow.


You should constantly keep an eye out for indicators of mold development since mold shouldn’t be taking up unnecessary space in your houses. Mold spores may linger in the air eternally if they are there because they are constantly being replenished.

There are three basic ingredients: hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, and baking soda which are your strongest allies in the fight to get rid of the mold itself. Use them to scrub your house free of unwanted guests. In addition, remove any excess moisture from the air to prevent further buildup of mold But don’t neglect to clear your body of mold spores, either!

Prevention is the way to go when it comes to dealing with mold, but it’s useful to know all this in case you find yourself with a very persistent housemate.

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The Spadone Home Editorial Team consists of seasoned professionals with extensive knowledge and experience in the domains of Home, Interior Design, Renovation, and Exterior Improvement. Our dedicated team of writers and researchers is committed to delivering well researched content that offers insightful solutions to your home-related inquiries. At Spadone Home, we understand the importance of a well-maintained and aesthetically pleasing home. Our mission is to provide you with practical, step-by-step guidance and expert insights to enhance your living space. Whether you're seeking DIY projects, product recommendations for your house, or interior and exterior design inspiration, our team is here to empower you with the knowledge and advice you need to make your house truly exceptional.